Terms of Use and Disclaimer

Last updated: 23 February 2024 


This disclaimer outlines the conditions under which we provide the information on our website.

Sormac B.V. owns the copyright of (the content of) the website and this disclaimer. This is subject to copyright law. The following rules apply to the entire content of this website. If you visit the website, you agree to the following:

  • Any use of the content of this website by way of duplication or in any other way, is reserved for Sormac B.V.
  • The content of the website in terms of written copy, structure, photography and video, is fully owned by Sormac B.V. It is prohibited to duplicate or otherwise use the content of this website in any form without the prior consent of Sormac B.V.
  • Liability for damages, in whatever form, and any disadvantages suffered as a consequence of the content of the website or the use thereof, are specifically excluded. No rights may be derived from the content and/or the use of this website or from the written copy, structure, photography and video appearing on this website.

Sormac B.V. takes the care of this website seriously. Additions and changes will be made regularly. The content of this disclaimer applies to all changes made to this website. No rights may be derived from any omissions, errors or inaccurate information on the website. Sormac B.V. may discontinue the website without prior notice. No rights may be attached to this.

Sormac B.V. reserves the right to monitor the website through statistics without prior notice and to use the data ensuing from statistics. ‘Like’ and ‘share’ buttons are included on this website to allow content to be shared on various social media. To enable these buttons to be used, Sormac B.V. must include cookies on this website. When visiting this website, you agree to the use of cookies. The cookie policy, also published on this website, describes how Sormac uses cookies and similar technologies in relation to our website and services. 
The privacy statements found on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn outline what happens to the personal data obtained. We shall deal with personal data derived from your visit to these websites, or from sending mail via these sites, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens) and our privacy statement. We shall not pass on any data we obtain to third parties, nor shall those data be used for purposes other than those for which they are intended. 


© Sormac B.V.